Friday, April 17, 2009

Gifts & Talents

As I was reading today I came across an interesting quote. It reads, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything you gave me." -Erma Bombeck
When I think about my life I to want to use my talents and gifts that God has placed in me. All that he has given to me and everything I am is because of HIM. HE is the air I breathe, HE is my daily bread, it is in HIM that I rest, bottom line it is through HIM that I live and have my being. I love HIM so much.
When I say that some days I wanted to lose my mind, but HE was the reason I didn't, it's true. Try GOD for yourself, I know once you try HIM you will never go back to living life the same, FOR REAL!!!
So what are your talents or gifts that you are sitting on? Why are you sitting on them? There are people that need you to share. REMEMBER this, your gifts & talents are for you to use to help others. It's not about you, It's not about me, It never was and it never will be.

God Bless,

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