Saturday, April 11, 2009


What path are you on? How do you feel about the path? Why are you on this path? What is the meaning behind it? I sometimes ask myself these same things and wonder am I on the right path and if so how do I know?

I've learned that when you are on the right path there is always going to be some struggle, it won't be easy. The appreciation of a job well done comes from the work put in. The value that we place on hard work is evident because they say, if you work hard, it pays off. But whether you have struggled or not, I know we all desire to have a good life, but what would you sacrifice for that good life? clothes, money, cars, what would you sacrifice to know that you are on the right path, to know that you just aren't dreaming, but your dreams are apart of your journey or your path. Today I challenge you to decide your path and commit to it whatever it is and do it. No Fear!!!

Be Blessed!!! VISIT for more inspiration.

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