Thursday, April 16, 2009

Breaking Through

Today my brain is on overload. I feel like God is preparing for something, yet I have so many ideas on my mind that I just need to get them off my chest. Today is definitely a day where I will continually seek God throughout the day, He is my Rock! 
Sometimes I feel the pressure to be this nice, sweet person all the time and not to be overcome with my emotions, but that really keeps me from being who I really am. Don't get me wrong I won't let people run over me but acting on emotions comes in moderation. We are emotional creatures, so today I vow to act more on my emotions and not be let everything roll off my back all the time. If I am angry, I will say so, If I am sad I will say so, If I am joyous, I will say so, If I am needy, so what.
At this point in my life I have learned that pleasing people is not a goal of mine and someone will always have something to say. ALWAYS! Whether you do good or bad, critics are always lurking.



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