Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today I can truly say I am content in my situation, that is being thankful for what I have. How can we expect God to take us to another level if we are ungrateful?
 I know that I don't want to stay stagnant in this place however, I feel HIS power elevating me to the next level as I thank HIM for everything and I seek HIM more. Ya'll HE is truly my source, really! I dare you to try HIM. Begin to trust in HIM and leave it in HIS hands, and let it go. Don't think about it, don't worry, aren't you more important than a sparrow? 

The word says, He makes sure the sparrow has a place to rest and eat and you are HIS child so shouldn't you not worry either? I'm telling you when you stop worrying and just give it to HIM, HE will PROVIDE, whatever you need. But you have to have complete faith, you do not have because your thoughts are not matching whats reflecting in your heart. They have to line up.

No Longer can we pray about something and keep worrying. When we do so its a message of doubt and distrust. But we must believe and repeat HIS word back to HIM and when we do that He will acknowledge HIS Promises. So be thankful and content where you are and allow your thoughts to line up with your HEART. I PROMISE YOU HE WILL OPEN UP THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE ROOM ENOUGH TO RECIEVE.


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